Descriptor English: Skin Aging
Descriptor Spanish: Envejecimiento de la Piel
Descriptor envejecimiento de la piel
Entry term(s) arrugas cutáneas
envejecimiento solar de la piel
fotoenvejecimiento cutáneo
Scope note: Proceso de envejecimiento debido a cambios en la estructura y elasticidad de la piel con el tiempo. Puede ser parte del envejecimiento fisiológico o puede deberse a los efectos de la radiación ultravioleta, por lo general por exposición a la luz solar.
Descriptor Portuguese: Envelhecimento da Pele
Descriptor French: Vieillissement de la peau
Entry term(s): Aging, Skin
Photoaging of Skin
Skin Wrinkling
Skin Wrinklings
Solar Aging of Skin
Wrinkling, Skin
Tree number(s): G13.750.804
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The process of aging due to changes in the structure and elasticity of the skin over time. It may be a part of physiological aging or it may be due to the effects of ultraviolet radiation, usually through exposure to sunlight.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
EH ethnology
ES ethics
GE genetics
IM immunology
PA pathology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Previous Indexing: Aging (1966-1989)
Skin (1966-1989)
Sunlight (1966-1989)
Public MeSH Note: 90
History Note: 90
DeCS ID: 24879
Unique ID: D015595
NLM Classification: WR 102
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1990/01/01
Date of Entry: 1989/05/26
Revision Date: 2016/06/23
Skin Aging - Preferred
Concept UI M0023939
Scope note The process of aging due to changes in the structure and elasticity of the skin over time. It may be a part of physiological aging or it may be due to the effects of ultraviolet radiation, usually through exposure to sunlight.
Preferred term Skin Aging
Entry term(s) Aging, Skin
Photoaging of Skin
Solar Aging of Skin
Skin Wrinkling - Broader
Concept UI M0023940
Preferred term Skin Wrinkling
Entry term(s) Skin Wrinklings
Wrinkling, Skin

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