Descriptor English: Coagulation (Water Treatment)
Descriptor Spanish: Coagulación (Tratamiento del Agua)
Descriptor coagulación (tratamiento del agua)
Scope note: Procedimientos que producen la agregación de partículas finas o coloides suspendidos en el agua mediante la adición de coagulantes.
Descriptor Portuguese: Coagulação (Tratamento da Água)
Descriptor French: Coagulation (Traitement de l'Eau)
Tree number(s): SP4.895.141.712.348.104
Scope note: Agglomeration of fine particles or colloids suspended in water, due to the addition of coagulants.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Absorption MeSH
Chemical Clarification DeCS
Chemical Precipitation MeSH
Coagulants MeSH
Colloids MeSH
Flocculation MeSH
Physicochemical Treatment DeCS
Velocity Gradient DeCS
zeta Potential DeCS
DeCS ID: 25060
Unique ID: DDCS025060
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Coagulation (Water Treatment) - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058054
Scope note Agglomeration of fine particles or colloids suspended in water, due to the addition of coagulants.
Preferred term Coagulation (Water Treatment)

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