Descriptor English: Chlorine Demand
Descriptor Spanish: Demanda de Cloro
Descriptor demanda de cloro
Scope note: La evaluación de la demanda de cloro se utiliza para determinar la cantidad de derivado clorado que se debe agregar a un determinado volumen de agua, de manera que, luego de un período de contacto, se obtenga al menos un residual de 0.2 mg / litro. (Adaptado de:
Descriptor Portuguese: Demanda de Cloro
Descriptor French: Demande de Chlore
Tree number(s): SP4.895.141.712.348.130.840
Scope note: The evaluation of chlorine demand is used to determine the amount of chlorinated derivative that must be added to a given volume of water, so that, after a period of contact, a residual of at least 0.2 mg/liter is obtained. (Adapted from:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Halogenation MeSH
DeCS ID: 25136
Unique ID: DDCS025136
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Chlorine Demand - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058112
Scope note The evaluation of chlorine demand is used to determine the amount of chlorinated derivative that must be added to a given volume of water, so that, after a period of contact, a residual of at least 0.2 mg/liter is obtained. (Adapted from:
Preferred term Chlorine Demand

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