Descriptor English: Sludge Digestion
Descriptor Spanish: Digestión de Lodos
Descriptor digestión de lodos
Scope note: Lodos digeridos en condiciones aerobias o anaerobias hasta que el contenido volátil ha sido reducido al punto en que los sólidos son relativamente imputrescibles e inofensivos.
Descriptor Portuguese: Digestão de Lodos
Descriptor French: Digestion des Boues
Tree number(s): SP4.895.141.712.290.738
Scope note: Sludge digested under aerobic or anaerobic conditions until the volatile content is reduced to a point that the solids are relatively non-putrescent or inoffensive.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Aerobic Digestion DeCS
Anaerobic Digestion DeCS
DeCS ID: 25161
Unique ID: DDCS025161
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Sludge Digestion - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058129
Scope note Sludge digested under aerobic or anaerobic conditions until the volatile content is reduced to a point that the solids are relatively non-putrescent or inoffensive.
Preferred term Sludge Digestion

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