Descriptor English: Flotation Thickening
Descriptor Spanish: Espesamiento por Flotación
Descriptor espesamiento por flotación
Scope note: Proceso para aumentar el contenido de sólidos de lodo y, en consecuencia, reducir su volumen. En la densificación por flotación, se introduce aire en la solución a través de una cámara de alta presión. Cuando la solución se despresuriza, el aire disuelto forma microburbujas que se dirigen hacia arriba, arrastrando con ellas las escamas de lodo que se eliminan en la superficie. (Fuente:
Descriptor Portuguese: Adensamento por Flotação
Descriptor French: Épaississement de la Flottaison
Tree number(s): SP4.895.141.712.290.246.203
Scope note: A process to increase the solid content on sludge, reducing its volume. In flotation densification, air is introduced into the solution through a high pressure chamber. When the solution is depressurized, the dissolved air forms micro-bubbles that are directed upwards, dragging with them the sludge flakes that are removed on the surface. (Freely translated from the original:
Allowable Qualifiers: EC economics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
MT methods
PL policies
SN statistics & numerical data
Related: Flotation DeCS
DeCS ID: 25170
Unique ID: DDCS025170
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Flotation Thickening - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058135
Scope note A process to increase the solid content on sludge, reducing its volume. In flotation densification, air is introduced into the solution through a high pressure chamber. When the solution is depressurized, the dissolved air forms micro-bubbles that are directed upwards, dragging with them the sludge flakes that are removed on the surface. (Freely translated from the original:
Preferred term Flotation Thickening

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