Descriptor English: Primary Treatment Plants
Descriptor Spanish: Plantas de Tratamiento Primario
Descriptor plantas de tratamiento primario
Scope note: Cubre la eliminación de sólidos gruesos (en la baranda), arena (en la caja de arena) y sólidos sedimentables (en el decantador primario), así como la digestión y eliminación de la humedad de este lodo en el digestor y el lecho de secado, respectivamente. En el tratamiento primario, se emplean operaciones de tipo físico, como la eliminación, en la rejilla, de la porción de materia suspendida o flotante que se encuentra en las aguas residuales sanitarias. (Traducción libre del original:
Descriptor Portuguese: Estações de Tratamento Primário
Descriptor French: Stations de Traitement Primaires
Tree number(s): SP4.895.141.534.623.298.423
Scope note: A concept that covers the removal of coarse solids (in the railing), sand (in the sandbox) and sedimentable solids (in the primary decanter), as well as the digestion and removal of moisture from this sludge in the digester and drying bed, respectively. In primary treatment, physical type operations are employed, such as the removal, in grating, of the portion of suspended or floating matter found in the sanitary sewage. (Free translation from the original:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 25443
Unique ID: DDCS025443
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Primary Treatment Plants - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058325
Scope note A concept that covers the removal of coarse solids (in the railing), sand (in the sandbox) and sedimentable solids (in the primary decanter), as well as the digestion and removal of moisture from this sludge in the digester and drying bed, respectively. In primary treatment, physical type operations are employed, such as the removal, in grating, of the portion of suspended or floating matter found in the sanitary sewage. (Free translation from the original:
Preferred term Primary Treatment Plants

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