Descriptor English: Surface Runoff
Descriptor Spanish: Escorrentía
Descriptor escorrentía
Entry term(s) escurrimiento
escurrimiento superficial
Scope note: Corriente de agua que se produce cuando se supera la capacidad de su depósito o continente.
Descriptor Portuguese: Escoamento Superficial
Descriptor French: Écoulement
Entry term(s): Overland Flow
Tree number(s): SP4.202.440.567.290
Scope note: 1. Water flow that pours when it overflows its deposit or impounding. 2. Terrestrial phase of the hydrological cycle, which deals with the group of precipitated water that, due to gravity, moves on the soil surfaces. (Free translation from the original: Agência Nacional de Águas, 2014; FENDRICH, 2018)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Drainage MeSH
Floods MeSH
Runoff Coefficient DeCS
Water Cycle MeSH
DeCS ID: 25692
Unique ID: DDCS025692
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Surface Runoff - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058515
Scope note 1. Water flow that pours when it overflows its deposit or impounding. 2. Terrestrial phase of the hydrological cycle, which deals with the group of precipitated water that, due to gravity, moves on the soil surfaces. (Free translation from the original: Agência Nacional de Águas, 2014; FENDRICH, 2018)
Preferred term Surface Runoff
Entry term(s) Overland Flow

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