Descriptor English: Clinical Diagnosis
Descriptor Spanish: Diagnóstico Clínico
Descriptor diagnóstico clínico
Scope note: Determinación de la naturaleza o estado de una dolencia, o distinción entre una dolencia o condición, de otra.
Descriptor Portuguese: Diagnóstico Clínico
Descriptor French: Diagnostic Clinique
Entry term(s): Diagnosis, Clinical
Tree number(s): HP2.018.224
Scope note: Determining the nature or conditions of a disease or distinguishing one disease or condition from another. In Homeopathy, in addition to the perception of biological phenomena, the homeopathic doctor seeks to understand the patient's particular way of perceiving their suffering.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
DI diagnosis
ED education
HI history
NU nursing
SN statistics & numerical data
TD trends
VE veterinary
DeCS ID: 26426
Unique ID: DDCS026426
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Clinical Diagnosis - Preferred
Concept UI FD00059073
Scope note Determining the nature or conditions of a disease or distinguishing one disease or condition from another. In Homeopathy, in addition to the perception of biological phenomena, the homeopathic doctor seeks to understand the patient's particular way of perceiving their suffering.
Preferred term Clinical Diagnosis
Entry term(s) Diagnosis, Clinical

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