Descriptor English: Child Abuse
Descriptor Spanish: Maltrato a los Niños
Descriptor maltrato infantil
Entry term(s) abandono de menores
abandono físico en la infancia
abandono infantil
abandono infantil físico
abuso de menores
abuso de niños
abuso infantil
descuido físico en la infancia
descuido infantil
descuido infantil físico
experiencias de abandono en la infancia
experiencias de abandono infantil
experiencias de abuso en la infancia
experiencias de abuso infantil
experiencias de descuido en la infancia
experiencias de descuido infantil
experiencias de maltrato en la infancia
experiencias de maltrato infantil
experiencias de negligencia en la infancia
experiencias de negligencia infantil
maltrato de menores
maltrato de niños
negligencia física en la infancia
negligencia infantil
negligencia infantil física
Scope note: Maltrato de un menor en el seno de una familia, institución o en cualquier otro entorno. (Traducción libre del original: APA, Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 1994).
Descriptor Portuguese: Maus-Tratos Infantis
Descriptor French: Maltraitance des enfants
Entry term(s): Abuse Experience, Childhood
Abuse Experiences, Childhood
Abuse, Child
Child Maltreatment
Child Mistreatment
Child Neglect
Child Neglect Experience
Child Neglect Experiences
Child Neglect, Physical
Childhood Abuse Experience
Childhood Abuse Experiences
Childhood Neglect Experience
Childhood Neglect Experiences
Childhood Physical Neglect
Childhood Physical Neglects
Experience, Child Neglect
Experience, Childhood Abuse
Experience, Childhood Neglect
Maltreatment, Child
Mistreatment, Child
Neglect Experience, Child
Neglect Experience, Childhood
Neglect Experiences, Childhood
Neglect, Child
Neglect, Childhood Physical
Neglect, Physical Child
Physical Child Neglect
Physical Child Neglects
Physical Neglect, Childhood
Tree number(s): I01.198.240.856.350.250
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Abuse of children in a family, institutional, or other setting. (APA, Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 1994)
Annotation: check the tag CHILD or specific
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
DI diagnosis
EC economics
EH ethnology
ES ethics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
MO mortality
PC prevention & control
PX psychology
RH rehabilitation
SN statistics & numerical data
TD trends
TH therapy
Public MeSH Note: 65
History Note: 65(64)
Related: Shaken Baby Syndrome MeSH
DeCS ID: 2696
Unique ID: D002649
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1965/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2023/05/31
Child Abuse - Preferred
Concept UI M0004047
Scope note Abuse of children in a family, institutional, or other setting. (APA, Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 1994)
Preferred term Child Abuse
Entry term(s) Abuse, Child
Child Maltreatment
Child Mistreatment
Maltreatment, Child
Mistreatment, Child
Child Neglect - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0004048
Preferred term Child Neglect
Entry term(s) Neglect, Child
Neglect Experiences, Childhood - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000764551
Preferred term Neglect Experiences, Childhood
Entry term(s) Child Neglect Experience
Child Neglect Experiences
Childhood Neglect Experience
Childhood Neglect Experiences
Experience, Child Neglect
Experience, Childhood Neglect
Neglect Experience, Child
Neglect Experience, Childhood
Abuse Experiences, Childhood - Narrower
Concept UI M000764564
Preferred term Abuse Experiences, Childhood
Entry term(s) Abuse Experience, Childhood
Childhood Abuse Experience
Childhood Abuse Experiences
Experience, Childhood Abuse
Physical Neglect, Childhood - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000764638
Preferred term Physical Neglect, Childhood
Entry term(s) Child Neglect, Physical
Childhood Physical Neglect
Childhood Physical Neglects
Neglect, Childhood Physical
Neglect, Physical Child
Physical Child Neglect
Physical Child Neglects

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