Descriptor English: Weihe Points
Descriptor Spanish: Puntos de Weihe
Descriptor puntos de Weihe
Scope note: Este planteamiento consta de la aplicación de remedios homeopáticos en los puntos de acupuntura.
Descriptor Portuguese: Pontos de Weihe
Descriptor French: Points de Weihe
Tree number(s): HP6.040.300
Scope note: Weihe points were researched by Rademacher and Weihe, disciples of Hahnemann, who observed painful acupuncture points and related them to homeopathic medicines. These points with their indicated medicines were widely used in the past by homeopathic doctors in the 19th century.
Annotation: no qualif
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 27228
Unique ID: DDCS027228
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Weihe Points - Preferred
Concept UI FD00059792
Scope note Weihe points were researched by Rademacher and Weihe, disciples of Hahnemann, who observed painful acupuncture points and related them to homeopathic medicines. These points with their indicated medicines were widely used in the past by homeopathic doctors in the 19th century.
Preferred term Weihe Points

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