Descriptor English: Homeopathy Broadcasting
Descriptor Spanish: Divulgación de la Homeopatía
Descriptor difusión de la homeopatía
Entry term(s) publicidad de la homeopatía
Scope note: La difusión de la cultura homeopática y sus conceptos a través de publicaciones, conferencias, eventos, videos, películas y medios digitales.
Descriptor Portuguese: Divulgação da Homeopatia
Descriptor French: Diffusion de l'Homéopathie
Entry term(s): Homeopathy Advertising
Tree number(s): HP1.007.129
Scope note: The broadcasting of homeopathic culture and its concepts through publications, lectures, events, videos, films and digital media.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
ED education
HI history
MT methods
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Related: Homeopathy MeSH
DeCS ID: 28491
Unique ID: DDCS028491
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Homeopathy Broadcasting - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060275
Scope note The broadcasting of homeopathic culture and its concepts through publications, lectures, events, videos, films and digital media.
Preferred term Homeopathy Broadcasting
Entry term(s) Homeopathy Advertising

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