Descriptor English: Materia Medica Study Methods
Descriptor Spanish: Métodos de Estudio de Materia Médica
Descriptor métodos de estudio de la Materia Medica
Scope note: Estrategias para estudiar el material médico de los remedios homeopáticos según referencias preestablecidas. Por ejemplo, el estudio miasmático de los remedios.
Descriptor Portuguese: Métodos de Estudo da Matéria Médica
Descriptor French: Méthodes D'étude de Matière Médicale
Entry term(s): Materia Medica Dramatization
Tree number(s): HP4.040
Scope note: Learning strategies to facilitate the study of the materia medica of homeopathic medicines, which help teaching and memorization.
Annotation: no qualif; index here for articles about the techniques or ways of studying materia medica; includes mnemonic methods
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Materia Medica MeSH
DeCS ID: 28493
Unique ID: DDCS028493
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Materia Medica Study Methods - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060277
Scope note Learning strategies to facilitate the study of the materia medica of homeopathic medicines, which help teaching and memorization.
Preferred term Materia Medica Study Methods
Entry term(s) Materia Medica Dramatization

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