Descriptor English: Analgesia, Patient-Controlled
Descriptor Spanish: Analgesia Controlada por el Paciente
Descriptor analgesia controlada por el paciente
Scope note: Alivio del DOLOR, sin pérdida de CONCIENCIA, por medio de ANALGÉSICOS administrados por los pacientes. Se ha utilizado con éxito para el control del DOLOR POSTOPERATORIO durante el TRABAJO DE PARTO, después de QUEMADURAS y en los cuidados terminales. La selección del agente, dosis e intervalo de administración influyen mucho sobre la efectividad. Puede disminuirse el potencial de una sobredosis combinando pequeñas dosis en bolo con un intervalo preceptivo entre dosis sucesivas (intervalo de bloqueo).
Descriptor Portuguese: Analgesia Controlada pelo Paciente
Descriptor French: Analgésie autocontrôlée
Entry term(s): Analgesia, Patient Controlled
Patient Controlled Analgesia
Patient-Controlled Analgesia
Tree number(s): E03.091.120
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Relief of PAIN, without loss of CONSCIOUSNESS, through ANALGESIC AGENTS administered by the patients. It has been used successfully to control POSTOPERATIVE PAIN, during OBSTETRIC LABOR, after BURNS, and in TERMINAL CARE. The choice of agent, dose, and lockout interval greatly influence effectiveness. The potential for overdose can be minimized by combining small bolus doses with a mandatory interval between successive doses (lockout interval).
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MO mortality
MT methods
NU nursing
PX psychology
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Previous Indexing: Analgesia (1975-1990)
Self Administration (1979-1990)
Public MeSH Note: 91
History Note: 91
DeCS ID: 28858
Unique ID: D016058
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1991/01/01
Date of Entry: 1990/03/23
Revision Date: 2004/07/07
Analgesia, Patient-Controlled - Preferred
Concept UI M0024545
Scope note Relief of PAIN, without loss of CONSCIOUSNESS, through ANALGESIC AGENTS administered by the patients. It has been used successfully to control POSTOPERATIVE PAIN, during OBSTETRIC LABOR, after BURNS, and in TERMINAL CARE. The choice of agent, dose, and lockout interval greatly influence effectiveness. The potential for overdose can be minimized by combining small bolus doses with a mandatory interval between successive doses (lockout interval).
Preferred term Analgesia, Patient-Controlled
Entry term(s) Analgesia, Patient Controlled
Patient Controlled Analgesia
Patient-Controlled Analgesia

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