Descriptor English: Chromosome Walking
Descriptor Spanish: Paseo de Cromosoma
Descriptor paseo cromosómico
Scope note: Técnica con la que puede explorarse una región desconocida de un cromosoma. Se utiliza generalmente para aislar un sitio de interés para el cual no se dispone de sonda alguna, pero que se sabe que está vinculado a un gen que ha sido identificado y clonado. Se selecciona un fragmento que contiene un gen conocido y se utiliza como sonda para identificar otros fragmentos superpuestos que contienen el mismo gen. A continuación se puede caracterizar las secuencias nucleotídicas de estos fragmentos. Este proceso continúa a todo lo largo del cromosoma.
Descriptor Portuguese: Passeio de Cromossomo
Descriptor French: Marche sur chromosome
Entry term(s): Chromosome Walkings
Walking, Chromosome
Walkings, Chromosome
Tree number(s): E05.393.183.250
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A technique with which an unknown region of a chromosome can be explored. It is generally used to isolate a locus of interest for which no probe is available but that is known to be linked to a gene which has been identified and cloned. A fragment containing a known gene is selected and used as a probe to identify other overlapping fragments which contain the same gene. The nucleotide sequences of these fragments can then be characterized. This process continues for the length of the chromosome.
Annotation: technique for exploring an unknown region of a CHROMOSOME
Allowable Qualifiers: IS instrumentation
MT methods
Previous Indexing: Chromosome Mapping (1983-1990)
Cloning, Molecular (1983-1990)
Public MeSH Note: 91
History Note: 91
DeCS ID: 28888
Unique ID: D016386
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1991/01/01
Date of Entry: 1990/05/25
Revision Date: 1992/05/07
Chromosome Walking - Preferred
Concept UI M0025064
Scope note A technique with which an unknown region of a chromosome can be explored. It is generally used to isolate a locus of interest for which no probe is available but that is known to be linked to a gene which has been identified and cloned. A fragment containing a known gene is selected and used as a probe to identify other overlapping fragments which contain the same gene. The nucleotide sequences of these fragments can then be characterized. This process continues for the length of the chromosome.
Preferred term Chromosome Walking
Entry term(s) Chromosome Walkings
Walking, Chromosome
Walkings, Chromosome

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