Descriptor English: Limbus Corneae
Descriptor Spanish: Limbo de la Córnea
Descriptor limbo de la córnea
Entry term(s) limbo corneal
limbo esclerocorneal
unión esclerocorneal
Scope note: Una zona anular de transición, de aproximadamente 1mm de ancho, entre la córnea y la conjuntiva bulbar y la esclerótica. Está muy vascularizada y está involucrada en el metabolismo de la córnea. Oftalmológicamente, se manifiesta al aparecer en la superficie externa del globo ocular como un surco ligero, delimitando la línea entre la córnea transparente y la esclerótica. (Dictionary of Visual Science, 3rd ed)
Descriptor Portuguese: Limbo da Córnea
Descriptor French: Limbe de la cornée
Entry term(s): Corneal Limbus
Corneoscleral Junction
Corneoscleral Junctions
Junction, Corneoscleral
Junctions, Corneoscleral
Limbus, Corneal
Limbus, Sclerocorneal
Sclerocorneal Limbus
Tree number(s): A09.371.060.217.659
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: An annular transitional zone, approximately 1 mm wide, between the cornea and the bulbar conjunctiva and sclera. It is highly vascular and is involved in the metabolism of the cornea. It is ophthalmologically significant in that it appears on the outer surface of the eyeball as a slight furrow, marking the line between the clear cornea and the sclera. (Dictionary of Visual Science, 3d ed)
Annotation: a slight furrow between cornea & sclera: do not index under SCLERA unless sclera is particularly discussed; /transpl is unlikely: article will likely be on CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION with anat or physiol ref to LIMBUS CORNEAE with pertinent qualif
Allowable Qualifiers: AB abnormalities
AH anatomy & histology
BS blood supply
CH chemistry
CY cytology
DE drug effects
DG diagnostic imaging
EM embryology
EN enzymology
GD growth & development
IM immunology
IN injuries
IR innervation
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PA pathology
PH physiology
PP physiopathology
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
SU surgery
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
Previous Indexing: Cornea (1966-1991)
Public MeSH Note: 92
History Note: 92
DeCS ID: 30006
Unique ID: D016850
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1992/01/01
Date of Entry: 1991/05/02
Revision Date: 1991/11/25
Limbus Corneae - Preferred
Concept UI M0025644
Scope note An annular transitional zone, approximately 1 mm wide, between the cornea and the bulbar conjunctiva and sclera. It is highly vascular and is involved in the metabolism of the cornea. It is ophthalmologically significant in that it appears on the outer surface of the eyeball as a slight furrow, marking the line between the clear cornea and the sclera. (Dictionary of Visual Science, 3d ed)
Preferred term Limbus Corneae
Entry term(s) Corneal Limbus
Corneoscleral Junction
Corneoscleral Junctions
Junction, Corneoscleral
Junctions, Corneoscleral
Limbus, Corneal
Limbus, Sclerocorneal
Sclerocorneal Limbus

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