Descriptor English: Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Descriptor Spanish: Angiopatía Amiloide Cerebral
Descriptor angiopatía amiloide cerebral
Entry term(s) angiopatía amiloide cerebral esporádica
angiopatía amiloidea cerebral
angiopatía amiloidea cerebral esporádica
angiopatía congofílica
Scope note: Grupo heterogéneo de trastornos esporádicos o familiares caracterizados por depósitos de AMILOIDE en las paredes de los vasos sanguíneos de tamaño pequeño y medio de la CORTEZA CEREBRAL y de las MENINGES. Las características clínicas incluyen múltiples pequeñas HEMORRAGIAS DE HEMISFERIOS CEREBRALES, isquemia cerebral (ISQUEMIA ENCEFÁLICA), e INFARTO DE HEMISFERIOS CEREBRALES. La angiopatía amiloide cerebral no guarda relación con la AMILOIDOSIS generalizada. Los péptidos amiloidogénicos en esta afección son casi siempre los que se encuentran en la ENFERMEDAD DE ALZHEIMER. (Kumar: Robbins y Cotran: Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th ed., 2005)
Descriptor Portuguese: Angiopatia Amiloide Cerebral
Descriptor French: Angiopathie amyloïde cérébrale
Entry term(s): Amyloid Angiopathy, Cerebral
Angiopathy, Cerebral Amyloid
Angiopathy, Congophilic
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathies
Congophilic Angiopathies
Congophilic Angiopathy
Sporadic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Tree number(s): C10.228.140.300.510.200.200
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A heterogeneous group of sporadic or familial disorders characterized by AMYLOID deposits in the walls of small and medium sized blood vessels of CEREBRAL CORTEX and MENINGES. Clinical features include multiple, small lobar CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE; cerebral ischemia (BRAIN ISCHEMIA); and CEREBRAL INFARCTION. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is unrelated to generalized AMYLOIDOSIS. Amyloidogenic peptides in this condition are nearly always the same ones found in ALZHEIMER DISEASE. (from Kumar: Robbins and Cotran: Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th ed., 2005)
Annotation: /genet:consider also CEREBRAL AMYLOID ANGIOPATHY, FAMILIAL
Allowable Qualifiers: BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CI chemically induced
CL classification
CN congenital
CO complications
DG diagnostic imaging
DH diet therapy
DI diagnosis
DT drug therapy
EC economics
EH ethnology
EM embryology
EN enzymology
EP epidemiology
ET etiology
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
MO mortality
NU nursing
PA pathology
PC prevention & control
PP physiopathology
PS parasitology
PX psychology
RH rehabilitation
RT radiotherapy
SU surgery
TH therapy
UR urine
VE veterinary
VI virology
Previous Indexing: Amyloidosis (1974-1991)
Cerebrovascular Disorders (1974-1991)
Public MeSH Note: 1992
History Note: 1992
DeCS ID: 30198
Unique ID: D016657
NLM Classification: WL 355
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1992/01/01
Date of Entry: 1991/01/24
Revision Date: 2009/07/06
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy - Preferred
Concept UI M0025384
Scope note A heterogeneous group of sporadic or familial disorders characterized by AMYLOID deposits in the walls of small and medium sized blood vessels of CEREBRAL CORTEX and MENINGES. Clinical features include multiple, small lobar CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE; cerebral ischemia (BRAIN ISCHEMIA); and CEREBRAL INFARCTION. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is unrelated to generalized AMYLOIDOSIS. Amyloidogenic peptides in this condition are nearly always the same ones found in ALZHEIMER DISEASE. (from Kumar: Robbins and Cotran: Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th ed., 2005)
Preferred term Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Entry term(s) Amyloid Angiopathy, Cerebral
Angiopathy, Cerebral Amyloid
Angiopathy, Congophilic
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathies
Congophilic Angiopathies
Congophilic Angiopathy
Sporadic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy - Narrower
Concept UI M0334467
Preferred term Sporadic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy

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