Descriptor English: Nasal Lavage Fluid
Descriptor Spanish: Líquido del Lavado Nasal
Descriptor líquido del lavado nasal
Scope note: Líquido obtenido por irrigación o lavado de la cavidad nasal y de la MUCOSA NASAL. El líquido resultante se utiliza para estudios citológicos e inmunológicos de la mucosa nasal como la PRUEBA DE PROVOCACIÓN NASAL para el diagnóstico de la hipersensibilidad nasal.
Descriptor Portuguese: Líquido da Lavagem Nasal
Descriptor French: Liquide de lavage nasal
Entry term(s): Lavage Fluid, Nasal
Nasal Lavage Fluids
Nasal Washing
Nasal Washings
Washing, Nasal
Tree number(s): E05.927.573.500
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Fluid obtained by THERAPEUTIC IRRIGATION or washout of the nasal cavity and NASAL MUCOSA. The resulting fluid is used in cytologic and immunologic assays of the nasal mucosa such as with the NASAL PROVOCATION TEST in the diagnosis of nasal hypersensitivity.
Annotation: do not confuse with NASAL LAVAGE, the irrigation technique
Allowable Qualifiers: CH chemistry
CY cytology
IM immunology
MI microbiology
PS parasitology
VI virology
Previous Indexing: Irrigation (1971-1993)
Public MeSH Note: 94
History Note: 94
DeCS ID: 31280
Unique ID: D017817
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1994/01/01
Date of Entry: 1993/06/04
Revision Date: 2010/06/25
Nasal Lavage Fluid - Preferred
Concept UI M0026914
Scope note Fluid obtained by THERAPEUTIC IRRIGATION or washout of the nasal cavity and NASAL MUCOSA. The resulting fluid is used in cytologic and immunologic assays of the nasal mucosa such as with the NASAL PROVOCATION TEST in the diagnosis of nasal hypersensitivity.
Preferred term Nasal Lavage Fluid
Entry term(s) Lavage Fluid, Nasal
Nasal Lavage Fluids
Nasal Washing
Nasal Washings
Washing, Nasal

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