Descriptor English: Communication Methods, Total
Descriptor Spanish: Métodos de Comunicación Total
Descriptor métodos de comunicación total
Scope note: Utilización de todas las formas receptoras y expresivas con el fin de alcanzar la comunicación cuando se tienen dificultades auditivas, como son gestos, posturas, expresiones faciales, tipos de voz, lenguaje formal y sistemas sin habla, y comunicación simultánea.
Descriptor Portuguese: Métodos de Comunicação Total
Descriptor French: Méthodes de communication totale
Entry term(s): Communication Method, Total
Method, Total Communication
Methods, Total Communication
Total Communication Method
Total Communication Methods
Tree number(s): E02.760.169.063.500.200.221
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Utilization of all available receptive and expressive modes for the purpose of achieving communication with the hearing impaired, such as gestures, postures, facial expression, types of voice, formal speech and non-speech systems, and simultaneous communication.
Annotation: restrict to communication with hearing-impaired; coordinate with specific hearing disorder /rehabil
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Previous Indexing: Communication (1966-1979)
Deafness (1966) /rehabilitation (1967-1979)
Public MeSH Note: 91; was see under REHABILITATION 1980-90
History Note: 91(80); was see under REHABILITATION 1980-90
DeCS ID: 3176
Unique ID: D003145
NLM Classification: HV 2497
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1991/01/01
Date of Entry: 1978/12/14
Revision Date: 2016/05/31
Communication Methods, Total - Preferred
Concept UI M0004879
Scope note Utilization of all available receptive and expressive modes for the purpose of achieving communication with the hearing impaired, such as gestures, postures, facial expression, types of voice, formal speech and non-speech systems, and simultaneous communication.
Preferred term Communication Methods, Total
Entry term(s) Communication Method, Total
Method, Total Communication
Methods, Total Communication
Total Communication Method
Total Communication Methods

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