Descriptor English: Private Management
Descriptor Spanish: Administración Privada
Descriptor gestión privada
Entry term(s) administración privada
Descriptor Portuguese: Administração Privada
Descriptor French: Gestion Privée
Tree number(s): SP4.707.368.030.135
Scope note:
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
MT methods
OG organization & administration
PL policies
SN statistics & numerical data
Related: Municipal Management DeCS
Private Sector MeSH
Public Administration DeCS
DeCS ID: 32412
Unique ID: DDCS032412
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Private Management - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060366
Preferred term Private Management

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