Descriptor English: Managed Competition
Descriptor Spanish: Competencia Dirigida
Descriptor competencia gestionada
Entry term(s) competencia gerenciada
planes de salud asequibles
Scope note: Estrategia para adquirir atención sanitaria de forma tal que los compradores y receptores de la misma obtendrán el máximo valor por el precio. El concepto fue desarrollado originalmente por Alain Enthoven, de la Stanford University, y promulgado por el Jackson Hole Group. La estrategia depende de los patrocinadores de los grupos de población a ser asegurados. El patrocinador, en ocasiones una alianza de salud, actúa como un intermediario entre el grupo y los grupos proveedores competidores (planes de salud responsables). La competencia está basada en el precio entre primas anuales por un paquete definido de beneficios estandarizados.
Descriptor Portuguese: Competição em Planos de Saúde
Descriptor French: Concurrence régulée
Entry term(s): Accountable Health Plan
Accountable Health Plans
Competition, Managed
Health Plan, Accountable
Health Plans, Accountable
Plan, Accountable Health
Plans, Accountable Health
Tree number(s): N03.219.521.576.343.820
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A strategy for purchasing health care in a manner which will obtain maximum value for the price for the purchasers of the health care and the recipients. The concept was developed primarily by Alain Enthoven of Stanford University and promulgated by the Jackson Hole Group. The strategy depends on sponsors for groups of the population to be insured. The sponsor, in some cases a health alliance, acts as an intermediary between the group and competing provider groups (accountable health plans). The competition is price-based among annual premiums for a defined, standardized benefit package. (From Slee and Slee, Health Care Reform Terms, 1993)
Annotation: restrict to health insurance; do not confuse with MANAGED CARE PROGRAMS
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
OG organization & administration
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
Previous Indexing: Economic Competition (1992-1995)
Insurance, Health (1992-1995)
Managed Care Programs (1992-1995)
Public MeSH Note: 96
History Note: 96
DeCS ID: 32695
Unique ID: D018854
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1996/01/01
Date of Entry: 1995/06/05
Managed Competition - Preferred
Concept UI M0028205
Scope note A strategy for purchasing health care in a manner which will obtain maximum value for the price for the purchasers of the health care and the recipients. The concept was developed primarily by Alain Enthoven of Stanford University and promulgated by the Jackson Hole Group. The strategy depends on sponsors for groups of the population to be insured. The sponsor, in some cases a health alliance, acts as an intermediary between the group and competing provider groups (accountable health plans). The competition is price-based among annual premiums for a defined, standardized benefit package. (From Slee and Slee, Health Care Reform Terms, 1993)
Preferred term Managed Competition
Entry term(s) Competition, Managed
Health Plans, Accountable - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0028204
Preferred term Health Plans, Accountable
Entry term(s) Accountable Health Plan
Accountable Health Plans
Health Plan, Accountable
Plan, Accountable Health
Plans, Accountable Health

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