Descriptor English: Elementary Particle Interactions
Descriptor Spanish: Interacciones de Partículas Elementales
Descriptor interacciones de partículas elementales
Scope note: Interacciones de partículas responsables de su dispersión y transformación (desintegraciones y reacciones). A causa de las interacciones, una partícula aislada puede desintegrarse en otras partículas. Dos partículas con trayectorias próximas pueden transformarse, quizás en las mismas partículas pero con momentos diferentes (dispersión elástica) o en otras partículas (dispersión inelástica). Las interacciones se dividen en tres grupos: fuertes, electromagnéticas y débiles. (McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 7th ed)
Descriptor Portuguese: Interações de Partículas Elementares
Descriptor French: Interactions entre particules élémentaires
Entry term(s): Elementary Particle Interaction
Interaction, Elementary Particle
Interactions, Elementary Particle
Particle Interaction, Elementary
Particle Interactions, Elementary
Tree number(s): G01.238
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The interactions of particles responsible for their scattering and transformations (decays and reactions). Because of interactions, an isolated particle may decay into other particles. Two particles passing near each other may transform, perhaps into the same particles but with changed momenta (elastic scattering) or into other particles (inelastic scattering). Interactions fall into three groups: strong, electromagnetic, and weak. (From McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 7th ed)
Annotation: a concept in nuclear physics; sub-atomic particles only
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Public MeSH Note: 97
History Note: 97
DeCS ID: 33179
Unique ID: D019471
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1997/01/01
Date of Entry: 1996/06/10
Revision Date: 2016/06/17
Elementary Particle Interactions - Preferred
Concept UI M0028963
Scope note The interactions of particles responsible for their scattering and transformations (decays and reactions). Because of interactions, an isolated particle may decay into other particles. Two particles passing near each other may transform, perhaps into the same particles but with changed momenta (elastic scattering) or into other particles (inelastic scattering). Interactions fall into three groups: strong, electromagnetic, and weak. (From McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 7th ed)
Preferred term Elementary Particle Interactions
Entry term(s) Elementary Particle Interaction
Interaction, Elementary Particle
Interactions, Elementary Particle
Particle Interaction, Elementary
Particle Interactions, Elementary

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