Descriptor English: Health Management
Descriptor Spanish: Gestión en Salud
Descriptor gestión en salud
Entry term(s) capacidad de organización
capacidad gestora
capacidad organizativa
Scope note: Este término incluye las actividades de formación, implantación y evaluación de las políticas, las instituciones, los programas, los proyectos y los servicios de salud, así como su gestión y planificación.
Descriptor Portuguese: Gestão em Saúde
Descriptor French: Gestion de la Santé
Entry term(s): Management Capacity
Organizational Capacity
Tree number(s): SP1.101.600
Scope note: The term includes training, implementation and evaluation activities of policies, institutions, programs, projects and health services, as well as their management and planning.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 34024
Unique ID: DDCS034024
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Health Management - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060493
Scope note The term includes training, implementation and evaluation activities of policies, institutions, programs, projects and health services, as well as their management and planning.
Preferred term Health Management
Entry term(s) Management Capacity
Organizational Capacity

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