Descriptor English: Organizational Modernization
Descriptor Spanish: Modernización Organizativa
Descriptor modernización organizativa
Scope note: Proceso que surge de las trasformaciones socio-históricas efectuadas en las instituciones y las relaciones laborales, enfocadas principalmente al desarrollo tecnológico, la descentralización de las organizaciones y la flexibilidad de los modelos de gestión.
Descriptor Portuguese: Modernização Organizacional
Descriptor French: Modernisation Organisationnelle
Entry term(s): Modernization, Organizational
Tree number(s): SP1.852.802.688
Scope note: Process that arose from socio-historical transformations in institutions and labor relations focused mainly on technological development, decentralization of organizations and flexibility of management models.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 34031
Unique ID: DDCS034031
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Organizational Modernization - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060495
Scope note Process that arose from socio-historical transformations in institutions and labor relations focused mainly on technological development, decentralization of organizations and flexibility of management models.
Preferred term Organizational Modernization
Entry term(s) Modernization, Organizational

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