Descriptor English: Unverricht-Lundborg Syndrome
Descriptor Spanish: Síndrome de Unverricht-Lundborg
Descriptor síndrome de Unverricht-Lundborg
Entry term(s) epilepsia mioclónica mediterránea
mioclonia báltica
síndrome de Lundborg-Unverricht
Scope note: Afección autosómica recesiva que se caracteriza por convulsiones mioclónicas y generalizadas recurrentes, ATAXIA, deterioro intelectual lentamente progresivo, disartria, y temblor intencional. Las convulsiones mioclónicas son continuas e intensas, y tienden a desencadenarse por movimientos, estrés, y estímulos sensoriales. La edad de comienzo es entre 8 y 13 años, y la afección es relativamente frecuente en la región del Báltico, especialmente en Finlandia. (Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, pp109-110)
Descriptor Portuguese: Síndrome de Unverricht-Lundborg
Descriptor French: Syndrome d'Unverricht-Lundborg
Entry term(s): Baltic Myoclonic Epilepsies
Baltic Myoclonic Epilepsy
Baltic Myoclonus
Baltic Myoclonus Epilepsies
Baltic Myoclonus Epilepsy
Disease, Unverricht
Disease, Unverricht-Lundborg
Diseases, Unverricht
Diseases, Unverricht-Lundborg
Epilepsies, Baltic Myoclonic
Epilepsies, Baltic Myoclonus
Epilepsy, Baltic Myoclonic
Epilepsy, Baltic Myoclonus
Epilepsy, Mediterranean Myoclonic
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic 1
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic 1a
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic Type 1
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonus 1
Lundborg Unverricht Syndrome
Lundborg-Unverricht Syndrome
Mediterranean Myoclonic Epilepsy
Myoclonic Epilepsies, Baltic
Myoclonic Epilepsy of Unverricht and Lundborg
Myoclonic Epilepsy, Baltic
Myoclonic Epilepsy, Mediterranean
Myoclonus Epilepsies, Baltic
Myoclonus Epilepsy, Baltic
Myoclonus Progressive Epilepsy of Unverricht and Lundborg
Myoclonus, Baltic
Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy 1
Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsybaltic Myoclonic Epilepsy
Syndrome, Lundborg-Unverricht
Syndrome, Unverricht-Lundborg
Unverricht Disease
Unverricht Diseases
Unverricht Lundborg Disease
Unverricht Lundborg Syndrome
Unverricht-Lundborg Disease
Unverricht-Lundborg Diseases
Tree number(s): C10.228.140.490.375.130.650.900
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: An autosomal recessive condition characterized by recurrent myoclonic and generalized seizures, ATAXIA, slowly progressive intellectual deterioration, DYSARTHRIA, and intention tremor. Myoclonic seizures are severe and continuous, and tend to be triggered by movement, stress, and sensory stimuli. The age of onset is between 8 and 13 years, and the condition is relatively frequent in the Baltic region, especially Finland. (From Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, pp109-110)
Allowable Qualifiers: BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CI chemically induced
CL classification
CO complications
DG diagnostic imaging
DH diet therapy
DI diagnosis
DT drug therapy
EC economics
EH ethnology
EM embryology
EN enzymology
EP epidemiology
ET etiology
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
MO mortality
NU nursing
PA pathology
PC prevention & control
PP physiopathology
PS parasitology
PX psychology
RH rehabilitation
RT radiotherapy
SU surgery
TH therapy
UR urine
VE veterinary
VI virology
Previous Indexing: Epilepsies, Myoclonic (1977-1999)
Epilepsy (1965-1976)
Myoclonus (1965-1976)
Related: Cystatin B MeSH
DeCS ID: 34276
Unique ID: D020194
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2000/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/11/03
Revision Date: 2017/02/24
Unverricht-Lundborg Syndrome - Preferred
Concept UI M0328656
Scope note An autosomal recessive condition characterized by recurrent myoclonic and generalized seizures, ATAXIA, slowly progressive intellectual deterioration, DYSARTHRIA, and intention tremor. Myoclonic seizures are severe and continuous, and tend to be triggered by movement, stress, and sensory stimuli. The age of onset is between 8 and 13 years, and the condition is relatively frequent in the Baltic region, especially Finland. (From Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, pp109-110)
Preferred term Unverricht-Lundborg Syndrome
Entry term(s) Baltic Myoclonic Epilepsies
Baltic Myoclonic Epilepsy
Baltic Myoclonus
Baltic Myoclonus Epilepsies
Baltic Myoclonus Epilepsy
Disease, Unverricht
Disease, Unverricht-Lundborg
Diseases, Unverricht
Diseases, Unverricht-Lundborg
Epilepsies, Baltic Myoclonic
Epilepsies, Baltic Myoclonus
Epilepsy, Baltic Myoclonic
Epilepsy, Baltic Myoclonus
Epilepsy, Mediterranean Myoclonic
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic 1
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic 1a
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic Type 1
Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonus 1
Lundborg Unverricht Syndrome
Lundborg-Unverricht Syndrome
Mediterranean Myoclonic Epilepsy
Myoclonic Epilepsies, Baltic
Myoclonic Epilepsy of Unverricht and Lundborg
Myoclonic Epilepsy, Baltic
Myoclonic Epilepsy, Mediterranean
Myoclonus Epilepsies, Baltic
Myoclonus Epilepsy, Baltic
Myoclonus Progressive Epilepsy of Unverricht and Lundborg
Myoclonus, Baltic
Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy 1
Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsybaltic Myoclonic Epilepsy
Syndrome, Lundborg-Unverricht
Syndrome, Unverricht-Lundborg
Unverricht Disease
Unverricht Diseases
Unverricht Lundborg Disease
Unverricht Lundborg Syndrome
Unverricht-Lundborg Disease
Unverricht-Lundborg Diseases

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