Descriptor English: International Assistance in Disaster
Descriptor Spanish: Asistencia Internacional en Desastres
Descriptor asistencia internacional en desastres
Entry term(s) ayuda humanitaria internacional
Scope note: Ayuda procedente de organismos internacionales o de otros países. Es ideal que la ayuda sea oportuna, solicitada correctamente y definida en función de las necesidades del país afectado.
Descriptor Portuguese: Assistência Internacional em Desastres
Descriptor French: Assistance Internationale en Cas de Catastrophe
Entry term(s): Humanitarian Action
International Humanitarian Assistance
Tree number(s): SP8.570.747.231.830.100
Scope note: Assistance given by international organisms or other countries. It is important that this assistance be convenient, correctly requested and defined accordingly to the affected country needs.
Allowable Qualifiers: EC economics
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
DeCS ID: 34597
Unique ID: DDCS034597
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
International Assistance in Disaster - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060500
Scope note Assistance given by international organisms or other countries. It is important that this assistance be convenient, correctly requested and defined accordingly to the affected country needs.
Preferred term International Assistance in Disaster
Entry term(s) Humanitarian Action
International Humanitarian Assistance

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