Descriptor English: Solar Radiation
Descriptor Spanish: Radiación Solar
Descriptor radiación solar
Entry term(s) radiación actínica
Scope note: Radiación emitida por los rayos solares por la que se puede calcular el calentamiento radiactivo de la atmósfera y el suelo.
Descriptor Portuguese: Radiação Solar
Descriptor French: Radiation Solaire
Tree number(s): HP4.018.602.900.788
Scope note: Radiation emitted by solar rays and through which one can calculate the radioactive heating both in atmosphere and soil.
Annotation: for articles on Homeopathy, coordinate with HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 34640
Unique ID: DDCS034640
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Solar Radiation - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060539
Scope note Radiation emitted by solar rays and through which one can calculate the radioactive heating both in atmosphere and soil.
Preferred term Solar Radiation

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