Descriptor English: Remote Sensors
Descriptor Spanish: Sensores Remotos
Descriptor sensores remotos
Scope note: Fuentes remotas de información que se utilizan para la detección de fenómenos y la producción de mapas de diversos tipos de peligros naturales o de riesgos a los que está expuesta una determinada zona.
Descriptor Portuguese: Sensores Remotos
Descriptor French: Capteurs à Distance
Tree number(s): SP4.505.467.700
Scope note: Remote sources of information used in phenomena detection and in the production of various maps of natural hazards or risks to which a given area is exposed to.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 34651
Unique ID: DDCS034651
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Remote Sensors - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060548
Scope note Remote sources of information used in phenomena detection and in the production of various maps of natural hazards or risks to which a given area is exposed to.
Preferred term Remote Sensors

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