Descriptor English: Tropical Cyclone
Descriptor Spanish: Ciclón Tropical
Descriptor ciclón tropical
Entry term(s) depresión tropical
Scope note: Término genérico que designa un ciclón de escala sinóptica no frontal que se origina sobre aguas tropicales o subtropicales y presenta una convección organizada y una circulación ciclónica caracterizada por el viento de superficie. Perturbación tropical: vientos de superficie ligeros, con indicios de circulación ciclónica. Depresión tropical: velocidad del viento de hasta 33 nudos. Tormenta tropical: velocidad máxima del viento de entre 34 y 47 nudos. Tormenta tropical intensa: velocidad máxima del viento de entre 48 y 63 nudos. Huracán: velocidad máxima del viento de 64 nudos o más. Tifón: velocidad máxima del viento de 64 nudos o más. Ciclón tropical: (sudoeste del Océano Índico): velocidad máxima del viento de entre 34 y 90 nudos. Ciclón tropical: (golfo de Bengala, mar de Arabia, sudoeste del Océano Índico, Pacífico Sur): velocidad máxima del viento de 34 nudos o más. (Traducción libre del original: Material II - IDNDR, 1992). El término australiano es "Willy-Willy".
Descriptor Portuguese: Ciclone Tropical
Descriptor French: Cyclone Tropical
Entry term(s): Tropical Depression
Tree number(s): SP8.190.270.620.713.121.289
Scope note: Generic term for a non-frontal synoptic scale cyclone originating over tropical or sub-tropical waters with organized convection and definite cyclonic surface wind circulation. Tropical Disturbance: light surface winds with indications of cyclonic circulation. Tropical Depression: wind speed up to 33 knots. Tropical Storm: maximum wind speed of 34 to 47 knots. Severe Tropical Storm: maximum wind speed of 48 to 63 knots. Hurricane: maximum wind speed of 64 knots or more. Typhoon: maximum wind speed of 64 knots or more. Tropical Cyclone: (South-West Indian Ocean): maximum wind speed of 34 to 90 knots. Tropical Cyclone (Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, South-East Indian Ocean, South Pacific): maximum wind speed of 34 knots or more (Material II - IDNDR, 1992); The australian term is Willy-Willy
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Cyclonic Storms MeSH
DeCS ID: 34654
Unique ID: DDCS034654
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Tropical Cyclone - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060550
Scope note Generic term for a non-frontal synoptic scale cyclone originating over tropical or sub-tropical waters with organized convection and definite cyclonic surface wind circulation. Tropical Disturbance: light surface winds with indications of cyclonic circulation. Tropical Depression: wind speed up to 33 knots. Tropical Storm: maximum wind speed of 34 to 47 knots. Severe Tropical Storm: maximum wind speed of 48 to 63 knots. Hurricane: maximum wind speed of 64 knots or more. Typhoon: maximum wind speed of 64 knots or more. Tropical Cyclone: (South-West Indian Ocean): maximum wind speed of 34 to 90 knots. Tropical Cyclone (Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, South-East Indian Ocean, South Pacific): maximum wind speed of 34 knots or more (Material II - IDNDR, 1992); The australian term is Willy-Willy
Preferred term Tropical Cyclone
Entry term(s) Willy-Willy
Tropical Depression - Narrower
Concept UI FD00060702
Scope note Tropical perturbance with maximum winds below 34 knots (Material V - Gunn, S.W.A. Multilingual Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and International Relief, 1990)
Preferred term Tropical Depression

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