Descriptor English: Geographical Localization of Risk
Descriptor Spanish: Localización Geográfica de Riesgo
Descriptor localización geográfica de riesgos
Scope note: Ubicación de cada RIESGO detectado o inventariado sobre un plano en donde se especifican sus coordenadas, la geografía del entorno y la infraestructura (Material IV - Glosario de Protección Civil, OPAS, 1992)
Descriptor Portuguese: Localização Geográfica de Risco
Descriptor French: Localisation Géographique du Risque
Tree number(s): SP8.950.214.405
Scope note: Location of each identified risk or an inventory of a plan in which its coordinates, geography and infrastructure around are specified. (Free translation from the original: Material IV - Glosario de Protección Civil, OPS, 1992)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 34930
Unique ID: DDCS034930
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Geographical Localization of Risk - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060799
Scope note Location of each identified risk or an inventory of a plan in which its coordinates, geography and infrastructure around are specified. (Free translation from the original: Material IV - Glosario de Protección Civil, OPS, 1992)
Preferred term Geographical Localization of Risk

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