Descriptor English: Transboundary Pollution
Descriptor Spanish: Contaminación Transfronteriza
Descriptor contaminación transfronteriza
Scope note: Contaminación y contaminantes que se han producido en un país y han atravesado fronteras internacionales a través del agua o del aire, llegando a otros países y causando contaminación. Como las causas están fuera de las fronteras del país afectado, los efectos sólo pueden atenuarse mediante acuerdos internacionales. (Traducción libre del original: Material V - Gunn, S.W.A. Multilingual Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and International Relief, 1990).
Descriptor Portuguese: Poluição Transfronteiriça
Descriptor French: Pollution Transfrontalière
Entry term(s): Transfrontier Contamination
Transfrontier Pollution
Tree number(s): SP4.606.806.910
Scope note: Pollution and pollutants that have been produced in one country and that have passed international boundaries through water or air to other countries, causing pollution. The effects can be mitigated only through international agreements as the damage is caused outside the boundaries of the victim country (Material V - Gunn, S.W.A. Multilingual Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and International Relief, 1990)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Acid Rain MeSH
Frontier Water DeCS
Pollutants Transport DeCS
DeCS ID: 35131
Unique ID: DDCS035131
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Transboundary Pollution - Preferred
Concept UI FD00060987
Scope note Pollution and pollutants that have been produced in one country and that have passed international boundaries through water or air to other countries, causing pollution. The effects can be mitigated only through international agreements as the damage is caused outside the boundaries of the victim country (Material V - Gunn, S.W.A. Multilingual Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and International Relief, 1990)
Preferred term Transboundary Pollution
Entry term(s) Transfrontier Contamination
Transfrontier Pollution

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