Descriptor English: Legal Intervention
Descriptor Spanish: Intervención Legal
Descriptor intervención legal
Scope note: Intromisión o injerencia en la gestión de asuntos ajenos, autorizada por ley, generalmente como medida de SANCIÓN impuesta por el incumplimiento de NORMAS JURÍDICAS.
Descriptor Portuguese: Intervenção Legal
Descriptor French: Intervention Légale
Tree number(s): SP9.
Scope note: Intrusion, interference in others' business authorized by law, usually as a measure of SANCTION for noncompliance of ENACTED STATUTES.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 36426
Unique ID: DDCS036426
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Legal Intervention - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061207
Scope note Intrusion, interference in others' business authorized by law, usually as a measure of SANCTION for noncompliance of ENACTED STATUTES.
Preferred term Legal Intervention

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