Descriptor English: Fractionation, Field Flow
Descriptor Spanish: Fraccionamiento de Campo-Flujo
Descriptor fraccionamiento campo-flujo
Entry term(s) fraccionamiento campo-flujo por sedimentación
fraccionamiento flujo-campo
Scope note: Separación de moléculas y partículas mediante la acción simultánea de un flujo líquido transportador y la aplicación de campos de fuerza focalizados (eléctricos, sedimentación, térmicos), sin fase estacionaria alguna.
Descriptor Portuguese: Fracionamento por Campo e Fluxo
Descriptor French: Fractionnement par couplage flux-force
Entry term(s): Field Flow Fractionation
Sedimentation Field Flow Fractionation
Tree number(s): E05.196.155.500
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Separation of molecules and particles by a simultaneous action of carrier liquid flow and focusing field forces (electrical, sedimentation, or thermal), without a stationary phase.
Allowable Qualifiers: IS instrumentation
MT methods
Previous Indexing: Chromatography (1980-2002)
Fractionation (1980-2002)
Public MeSH Note: 2003
History Note: 2003
DeCS ID: 37576
Unique ID: D031521
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2003/01/01
Date of Entry: 2002/07/03
Revision Date: 2018/07/13
Fractionation, Field Flow - Preferred
Concept UI M0398273
Scope note Separation of molecules and particles by a simultaneous action of carrier liquid flow and focusing field forces (electrical, sedimentation, or thermal), without a stationary phase.
Preferred term Fractionation, Field Flow
Entry term(s) Field Flow Fractionation
Sedimentation Field Flow Fractionation - Narrower
Concept UI M0398274
Scope note Sedimentation field is either gravitational or centrifugal.
Preferred term Sedimentation Field Flow Fractionation
Entry term(s) SdFFF

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