Qualifier English: Double Effect Principle
Qualifier Spanish: Principio del Doble Efecto
Descriptor principio del doble efecto
Scope note: Guía para determinar cuándo es moralmente permisible realizar una acción que persigue un buen fin pero que se sabe que también traerá consigo malos resultados. En general, establece que, en los casos en que se contempla que una acción tiene el doble efecto, la acción sólo es admisible si: no es mala en sí misma, el mal resultado no es la intención, el buen resultado no es consecuencia directa del mal resultado y el buen resultado es proporcional al mal resultado. (Solomon, "Double Effect," en Becker, The Encyclopedia of Ethics, 1992)"
Qualifier Portuguese: Princípio do Duplo Efeito
Qualifier French: Principe du double effet
Entry term(s): Doctrine of Double Effect
Doctrine, Double Effect
Double Effect Doctrine
Double Effect Rule
Effect Doctrine, Double
Effect Principle, Double
Effect Rule, Double
Principle of Double Effect
Principle, Double Effect
Principles, Double Effect
Rule of Double Effect
Rule, Double Effect
Tree number(s): K01.752.566.479.101
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Guideline for determining when it is morally permissible to perform an action to pursue a good end with knowledge that the action will also bring about bad results. It generally states that, in cases where a contemplated action has such double effect, the action is permissible only if: it is not wrong in itself; the bad result is not intended; the good result is not a direct causal result of the bad result; and the good result is "proportionate to" the bad result. (from Solomon, "Double Effect," in Becker, The Encyclopedia of Ethics, 1992)
Annotation: note category; use only in the context of ethics
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Previous Indexing: Ethics (1979-2002)
Ethics, Medical (1997-2002)
Public MeSH Note: 2009; see DOUBLE EFFECT 2003-2008; see ETHICS 2002
History Note: 2009 (2003); use ETHICS 2002
Related: Intention MeSH
DeCS ID: 37708
Unique ID: D034723
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2003/01/01
Date of Entry: 2002/07/03
Revision Date: 2015/06/22
Double Effect Principle - Preferred
Concept UI M0515684
Scope note Guideline for determining when it is morally permissible to perform an action to pursue a good end with knowledge that the action will also bring about bad results. It generally states that, in cases where a contemplated action has such double effect, the action is permissible only if: it is not wrong in itself; the bad result is not intended; the good result is not a direct causal result of the bad result; and the good result is "proportionate to" the bad result. (from Solomon, "Double Effect," in Becker, The Encyclopedia of Ethics, 1992)
Preferred term Double Effect Principle
Entry term(s) Doctrine of Double Effect
Doctrine, Double Effect
Double Effect Doctrine
Double Effect Rule
Effect Doctrine, Double
Effect Principle, Double
Effect Rule, Double
Principle of Double Effect
Principle, Double Effect
Principles, Double Effect
Rule of Double Effect
Rule, Double Effect

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