Descriptor English: Fertile Period
Descriptor Spanish: Periodo Fértil
Descriptor período fértil
Scope note: Período del CICLO MENSTRUAL que es óptimo para la FECUNDACIÓN del ÓVULO y para el logro del EMBARAZO. La duración del período fértil depende de la supervivencia de los GAMETOS masculinos en el interior del aparato reproductor femenino y del momento de OVULACIÓN. El período fértil generalmente comienza algunos días antes de la ovulación y finaliza el mismo día en que se produce ésta.
Descriptor Portuguese: Período Fértil
Descriptor French: Période de fécondité
Tree number(s): G08.686.605.154
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The period in the MENSTRUAL CYCLE that is optimal for FERTILIZATION of the OVUM and yielding PREGNANCY. The duration of fertile period depends on the life span of male GAMETES within the female reproductive tract and the time of OVULATION. It usually begins a few days before ovulation and ends on the day of ovulation.
Allowable Qualifiers: BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
DE drug effects
EH ethnology
GE genetics
IM immunology
ME metabolism
PH physiology
PX psychology
RE radiation effects
UR urine
Previous Indexing: Fertility (1971-2004)
Menstruation (1980-2004)
Public MeSH Note: 2005; see MENSTRUATION 1980-2004
History Note: 2005; use MENSTRUATION 1980-2004
Related: Natural Family Planning Methods MeSH
DeCS ID: 38860
Unique ID: D046910
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2005/01/01
Date of Entry: 2004/07/07
Revision Date: 2008/07/08
Fertile Period - Preferred
Concept UI M0013396
Scope note The period in the MENSTRUAL CYCLE that is optimal for FERTILIZATION of the OVUM and yielding PREGNANCY. The duration of fertile period depends on the life span of male GAMETES within the female reproductive tract and the time of OVULATION. It usually begins a few days before ovulation and ends on the day of ovulation.
Preferred term Fertile Period

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