Descriptor English: Strategic Research
Descriptor Spanish: Investigación Estratégica
Descriptor investigación estratégica
Scope note: Investigación a largo plazo, orientada por programas sectoriales de agencias gubernamentales, así como la investigación especulativa realizada en empresas sin consideración concreta de utilización de los resultados. Tiene como objetivo la implementación de políticas y acciones programáticas. (Traducción libre del original: Manual de Frascati y PNCTI/S - MS Brasil).
Descriptor Portuguese: Pesquisa Estratégica
Descriptor French: Recherche Stratégique
Tree number(s): SH1.020.010.050
Scope note: Long-term research oriented by government agencies sector programs, as well as speculative research undertaken in companies without regard to specific use of any result. It should aim at implementing policies and programmatic actions. (Free translation from the original: Manual de Frascati y PNCTI/S - MS Brasil).
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 50052
Unique ID: DDCS050052
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Strategic Research - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061317
Scope note Long-term research oriented by government agencies sector programs, as well as speculative research undertaken in companies without regard to specific use of any result. It should aim at implementing policies and programmatic actions. (Free translation from the original: Manual de Frascati y PNCTI/S - MS Brasil).
Preferred term Strategic Research

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