Descriptor English: Full-Text Databases
Descriptor Spanish: Bases de Datos de Texto Completo
Descriptor bases de datos a texto completo
Scope note: Colecciones organizadas de documentos electrónicos con texto completo, disponibles en la internet, por lo general asociada con motores de búsqueda por el campo del documento.
Descriptor Portuguese: Bases de Dados de Texto Completo
Descriptor French: Bases de Données en Texte Intégral
Tree number(s): SH1.
Scope note: Organized collections of electronic full-text documents, available on the Internet, usually associated with search engines by the document field.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 50122
Unique ID: DDCS050122
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Full-Text Databases - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061375
Scope note Organized collections of electronic full-text documents, available on the Internet, usually associated with search engines by the document field.
Preferred term Full-Text Databases

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