Descriptor English: Citizen Participation in Science and Technology
Descriptor Spanish: Participación Ciudadana en Ciencia y Tecnología
Descriptor participación ciudadana en ciencia y tecnología
Scope note: La participación ciudadana en ciencia y tecnología significa básicamente la articulación de temas tales como la democratización del conocimiento, existencia y disponibilidad de canales de participación e incorporación del conocimiento científico y tecnológico a las necesidades del desarrollo social. Se mide por estudios que aprecian el valor de los ciudadanos sobre sus oportunidades de participación y sobre la participación efectiva en los debates sobre los aspectos científicos que afectan a sus vidas cotidianas (desechos nucleares, OMG, contaminación atmosférica, etc.). (Traducción libre a partir del original:
Descriptor Portuguese: Participação Cidadã em Ciência e Tecnologia
Descriptor French: Participation Citoyenne
Tree number(s): SH1.050.020
Scope note: Citizen participation in science and technology basically means the articulation of themes such as democratization of knowledge, existence and availability of channels for participation and incorporation of scientific and technological knowledge to social development needs. It is measured by surveys that appreciate the value of citizens about their chances of participation and on effective participation in discussions about scientific issues that affect their everyday (nuclear waste, GMOs, environmental pollution, etc). (Free translation from the original:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 50129
Unique ID: DDCS050129
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Citizen Participation in Science and Technology - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061381
Scope note Citizen participation in science and technology basically means the articulation of themes such as democratization of knowledge, existence and availability of channels for participation and incorporation of scientific and technological knowledge to social development needs. It is measured by surveys that appreciate the value of citizens about their chances of participation and on effective participation in discussions about scientific issues that affect their everyday (nuclear waste, GMOs, environmental pollution, etc). (Free translation from the original:
Preferred term Citizen Participation in Science and Technology

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