Descriptor English: Gender and Health
Descriptor Spanish: Género y Salud
Descriptor género y salud
Entry term(s) género y ética
salud y género
ética de género
Scope note: GS busca identificar y reducir las desigualdades/inequidades entre hombres y mujeres con respeto al estado de salud y sus determinantes, el acceso a la atención a la salud y la participación en la toma de decisiones respecto a la asignación de los recursos.
Descriptor Portuguese: Saúde de Gênero
Descriptor French: Genre et Santé
Entry term(s): Gender and Ethics
Health and Gender
Tree number(s): SP2.770.323
Scope note: GH seeks to identify and reduce the inequities between women and men regarding health status and its determinants, access to health care, and participation in decision-making about grant allocation.
Annotation: Indexer: DO NOT use
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
ED education
ES ethics
HI history
PL policies
DeCS ID: 50261
Unique ID: DDCS050261
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Gender and Health - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061432
Scope note GH seeks to identify and reduce the inequities between women and men regarding health status and its determinants, access to health care, and participation in decision-making about grant allocation.
Preferred term Gender and Health
Entry term(s) Gender and Ethics
Health and Gender

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