Descriptor English: Life Expectancy at Birth
Descriptor Spanish: Esperanza de Vida al Nacer
Descriptor esperanza de vida al nacer
Entry term(s) expectativa de vida al nacer
Scope note: Promedio de años de expectativa de vida de un recién nacido si continúan las tendencias de mortalidad actuales. Corresponde al número total de años que una determinada cohorte de nacidos tiene como expectativa de vida, dividido por el número de niños de la cohorte. La esperanza de vida al nacer depende en parte de la mortalidad durante el primer año de vida, por lo que es menor en los países pobres que en los países ricos, habida cuenta de las mayores tasas de mortalidad del lactante y de mortalidad infantil en el primer caso. (Traducción libre del original: A Dictionary of Epidemiology / edited for the International Epidemiological Association by Miquel Porta; associate editors, John M. Last [et al.]. 5th ed, 2008)
Descriptor Portuguese: Expectativa de Vida ao Nascer
Descriptor French: Espérence de Vie à la Naissance
Tree number(s): SP3.311.300.392.356.455
Scope note: Average number of years a newborn baby can be expected to live if current mortality trends continue. Corresponds to the total number of years a given birth cohort can be expected to live divided by the number of children in the cohort. Life expectancy at birth is partly dependent on mortality in the first year of life; therefore it is lower in poor than in rich countries because of the higher infant and child mortality rates in the former. (From: A Dictionary of Epidemiology / edited for the International Epidemiological Association by Miquel Porta; associate editors, John M. Last [et al.]. 5th ed, 2008)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 50282
Unique ID: DDCS050282
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Life Expectancy at Birth - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061450
Scope note Average number of years a newborn baby can be expected to live if current mortality trends continue. Corresponds to the total number of years a given birth cohort can be expected to live divided by the number of children in the cohort. Life expectancy at birth is partly dependent on mortality in the first year of life; therefore it is lower in poor than in rich countries because of the higher infant and child mortality rates in the former. (From: A Dictionary of Epidemiology / edited for the International Epidemiological Association by Miquel Porta; associate editors, John M. Last [et al.]. 5th ed, 2008)
Preferred term Life Expectancy at Birth

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