Descriptor English: Dependent Ambulation
Descriptor Spanish: Deambulación Dependiente
Descriptor deambulación dependiente
Entry term(s) ayudas técnicas para la deambulación
dependencia para la deambulación
Scope note: Moverse o caminar con elementos de ayuda.
Descriptor Portuguese: Deambulação com Auxílio
Descriptor French: Déambulation dépendante
Entry term(s): Ambulation, Dependent
Tree number(s): G11.427.410.568.900.500
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: To move about or walk on foot with the use of aids.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ED education
ES ethics
HI history
IN injuries
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
PH physiology
PX psychology
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
Public MeSH Note: 2006
History Note: 2006
Related: Mobility Limitation MeSH
DeCS ID: 51255
Unique ID: D051341
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2006/01/01
Date of Entry: 2005/06/30
Revision Date: 2016/06/30
Dependent Ambulation - Preferred
Concept UI M0480427
Scope note To move about or walk on foot with the use of aids.
Preferred term Dependent Ambulation
Entry term(s) Ambulation, Dependent

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