Descriptor English: Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Inner Segment
Descriptor Spanish: Segmento Interno de las Células Fotorreceptoras Retinianas
Descriptor segmento interno de las células fotorreceptoras retinianas
Entry term(s) segmento interno de los bastones
segmento interno de los conos
Scope note: Porción interna de una célula fotorreceptora retiniana, cono o bastón, situada entre el CILIO CONECTOR DE LOS FOTORRECEPTORES y la sinapsis con las neuronas adyacentes (CÉLULAS BIPOLARES DE LA RETINA; CÉLULAS HORIZONTALES DE LA RETINA). El segmento interno contiene el cuerpo celular, el núcleo, la mitocondria y el aparato para la síntesis de proteína.
Descriptor Portuguese: Segmento Interno das Células Fotorreceptoras da Retina
Descriptor French: Segment interne de cellule photoréceptrice rétinienne
Entry term(s): Cone Cell Inner Segment
Cone Inner Segment
Cone Inner Segments
Inner Segment, Cone
Inner Segment, Retinal
Inner Segment, Rod
Inner Segments, Cone
Inner Segments, Retinal
Inner Segments, Rod
Retinal Inner Segment
Retinal Inner Segments
Retinal Photoreceptor Inner Segment
Rod Cell Inner Segment
Rod Inner Segment
Rod Inner Segments
Tree number(s): A08.675.650.850.625.670.237
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The inner portion of a retinal rod or a cone photoreceptor cell, situated between the PHOTORECEPTOR CONNECTING CILIUM and the synapse with the adjacent neurons (RETINAL BIPOLAR CELLS; RETINAL HORIZONTAL CELLS). The inner segment contains the cell body, the nucleus, the mitochondria, and apparatus for protein synthesis.
Allowable Qualifiers: CH chemistry
CL classification
DE drug effects
EN enzymology
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PA pathology
PH physiology
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
TR transplantation
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
Previous Indexing: Photoreceptor Cells (1977-2008)
Public MeSH Note: 2009
History Note: 2009
DeCS ID: 52975
Unique ID: D055211
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2009/01/01
Date of Entry: 2008/07/08
Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Inner Segment - Preferred
Concept UI M0515673
Scope note The inner portion of a retinal rod or a cone photoreceptor cell, situated between the PHOTORECEPTOR CONNECTING CILIUM and the synapse with the adjacent neurons (RETINAL BIPOLAR CELLS; RETINAL HORIZONTAL CELLS). The inner segment contains the cell body, the nucleus, the mitochondria, and apparatus for protein synthesis.
Preferred term Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Inner Segment
Entry term(s) Inner Segment, Retinal
Inner Segments, Retinal
Retinal Inner Segment
Retinal Inner Segments
Retinal Photoreceptor Inner Segment
Rod Cell Inner Segment - Narrower
Concept UI M0515664
Preferred term Rod Cell Inner Segment
Entry term(s) Inner Segment, Rod
Inner Segments, Rod
Rod Inner Segment
Rod Inner Segments
Cone Cell Inner Segment - Narrower
Concept UI M0515674
Preferred term Cone Cell Inner Segment
Entry term(s) Cone Inner Segment
Cone Inner Segments
Inner Segment, Cone
Inner Segments, Cone

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