Descriptor English: Intravitreal Injections
Descriptor Spanish: Inyecciones Intravítreas
Descriptor inyecciones intravítreas
Entry term(s) inyección intravítrea
Scope note: Administración de sustancias en el CUERPO VÍTREO del ojo mediante una jeringa hipodérmica.
Descriptor Portuguese: Injeções Intravítreas
Descriptor French: Injections intravitréennes
Entry term(s): Injection, Intravitreal
Injections, Intravitreal
Intravitreal Injection
Tree number(s): E02.319.267.530.475.500
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The administration of substances into the VITREOUS BODY of the eye with a hypodermic syringe.
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MO mortality
MT methods
NU nursing
PX psychology
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Previous Indexing: Injections (1977-2010)
Public MeSH Note: 2011
History Note: 2011
DeCS ID: 54215
Unique ID: D058449
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2011/01/01
Date of Entry: 2010/06/25
Intravitreal Injections - Preferred
Concept UI M0542423
Scope note The administration of substances into the VITREOUS BODY of the eye with a hypodermic syringe.
Preferred term Intravitreal Injections
Entry term(s) Injection, Intravitreal
Injections, Intravitreal
Intravitreal Injection

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