Descriptor English: Social Stigma
Descriptor Spanish: Estigma Social
Descriptor estigma social
Entry term(s) estigmas sociales
Scope note: Atributo percibido que es muy deshonroso y se considera una violación de las normas sociales.
Descriptor Portuguese: Estigma Social
Descriptor French: Stigmate social
Entry term(s): Social Stigmas
Stigma, Social
Stigmas, Social
Tree number(s): F01.145.813.840
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A perceived attribute that is deeply discrediting and is considered to be a violation of social norms.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Previous Indexing: Shame (1975-2010)
Public MeSH Note: 2011
History Note: 2011
Related: Shame MeSH
DeCS ID: 54298
Unique ID: D057545
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2011/01/01
Date of Entry: 2010/06/25
Revision Date: 2012/07/03
Social Stigma - Preferred
Concept UI M0542816
Scope note A perceived attribute that is deeply discrediting and is considered to be a violation of social norms.
Preferred term Social Stigma
Entry term(s) Social Stigmas
Stigma, Social
Stigmas, Social

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