Descriptor English: Nitrification
Descriptor Spanish: Nitrificación
Descriptor nitrificación
Entry term(s) oxidación aeróbica del amoníaco
oxidación de nitrito
Scope note: Proceso facilitado por bacterias especializadas que implica la oxidación del amonio en nitrito y del nitrito en nitrato.
Descriptor Portuguese: Nitrificação
Descriptor French: Nitrification
Entry term(s): Aerobic Ammonia Oxidation
Nitrite Oxidation
Tree number(s): G02.111.587.500
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A process facilitated by specialized bacteria involving the oxidations of ammonium to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Previous Indexing: Nitrates (1980-2010)
Nitrites (1975-2010)
Nitrogen (1963-2010)
Oxidation-Reduction (1963-2010)
Public MeSH Note: 2011
History Note: 2011
Related: Activated Sludges DeCS
Nitrogenous Deoxygenation DeCS
DeCS ID: 54349
Unique ID: D058465
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2011/01/01
Date of Entry: 2010/06/25
Revision Date: 2016/06/23
Nitrification - Preferred
Concept UI M0542539
Scope note A process facilitated by specialized bacteria involving the oxidations of ammonium to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate.
Preferred term Nitrification
Entry term(s) Nitrifications
Aerobic Ammonia Oxidation - Narrower
Concept UI M000746995
Preferred term Aerobic Ammonia Oxidation
Nitrite Oxidation - Narrower
Concept UI M000746996
Preferred term Nitrite Oxidation

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