Descriptor English: Patient Handoff
Descriptor Spanish: Pase de Guardia
Descriptor cesión de pacientes
Scope note: Transferencia de la responsabilidad de la asistencia sanitaria de un paciente de un profesional sanitario a otro.
Descriptor Portuguese: Transferência da Responsabilidade pelo Paciente
Descriptor French: Transfert de la prise en charge du patient
Entry term(s): Clinical Handoff
Clinical Handoffs
Clinical Handover
Clinical Handovers
Hand Off, Nursing
Hand Off, Patient
Hand Offs, Nursing
Hand Offs, Patient
Hand Over, Nursing
Hand Over, Patient
Hand Overs, Nursing
Hand Overs, Patient
Handoff, Clinical
Handoff, Nursing
Handoff, Patient
Handoffs, Clinical
Handoffs, Nursing
Handoffs, Patient
Handover, Clinical
Handover, Nursing
Handover, Patient
Handovers, Clinical
Handovers, Nursing
Handovers, Patient
Nursing Hand Off
Nursing Hand Offs
Nursing Hand Over
Nursing Hand Overs
Nursing Handoff
Nursing Handoffs
Nursing Handover
Nursing Handovers
Patient Hand Off
Patient Hand Offs
Patient Hand Over
Patient Hand Overs
Patient Handoffs
Patient Handover
Patient Handovers
Patient Sign Out
Patient Sign Outs
Patient Signout
Patient Signouts
Patient Signover
Patient Signovers
Sign Out, Patient
Sign Outs, Patient
Signout, Patient
Signouts, Patient
Signover, Patient
Signovers, Patient
Tree number(s): E02.760.169.249
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The transferring of patient care responsibility from one health-care professional to another.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
OG organization & administration
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
Public MeSH Note: 2013
History Note: 2013
DeCS ID: 55159
Unique ID: D062209
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2013/01/01
Date of Entry: 2012/07/03
Revision Date: 2016/05/31
Patient Handoff - Preferred
Concept UI M0561967
Scope note The transferring of patient care responsibility from one health-care professional to another.
Preferred term Patient Handoff
Entry term(s) Hand Off, Patient
Hand Offs, Patient
Hand Over, Patient
Hand Overs, Patient
Handoff, Patient
Handoffs, Patient
Handover, Patient
Handovers, Patient
Patient Hand Off
Patient Hand Offs
Patient Hand Over
Patient Hand Overs
Patient Handoffs
Patient Handover
Patient Handovers
Patient Sign Out
Patient Sign Outs
Patient Signout
Patient Signouts
Patient Signover
Patient Signovers
Sign Out, Patient
Sign Outs, Patient
Signout, Patient
Signouts, Patient
Signover, Patient
Signovers, Patient
Nursing Handoff - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0574673
Scope note Patient transfer within nursing staff of one facility.
Preferred term Nursing Handoff
Entry term(s) Hand Off, Nursing
Hand Offs, Nursing
Hand Over, Nursing
Hand Overs, Nursing
Handoff, Nursing
Handoffs, Nursing
Handover, Nursing
Handovers, Nursing
Nursing Hand Off
Nursing Hand Offs
Nursing Hand Over
Nursing Hand Overs
Nursing Handoffs
Nursing Handover
Nursing Handovers
Clinical Handoffs - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0561968
Scope note Transfers within a facility between clinical locations (eg, ICU to the step-down unit) and disciplines (eg, cardiology to cardiac surgery) in addition to within a discipline (eg, cross-coverage by residents, nurses, or attending physicians).
Preferred term Clinical Handoffs
Entry term(s) Clinical Handoff
Clinical Handover
Clinical Handovers
Handoff, Clinical
Handoffs, Clinical
Handover, Clinical
Handovers, Clinical

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