Descriptor English: Alert Fatigue, Health Personnel
Descriptor Spanish: Fatiga de Alerta del Personal de Salud
Descriptor fatiga de alerta del personal sanitario
Entry term(s) fatiga de alarma
fatiga de alerta del personal de salud
fatiga de alerta del trabajador sanitario
Scope note: Fatiga mental que sufren los proveedores de asistencia a la salud que tienen demasiadas alertas y recordatorios en los SISTEMAS DE APOYO A LAS DECISIONES CLÍNICAS. A medida que aumenta el número de alertas y recordatorios dirigido a proporcionar una adecuada asistencia, muchos profesionales pueden llegar a ignorarlos.
Descriptor Portuguese: Fadiga de Alarmes do Pessoal de Saúde
Descriptor French: Fatigue liée aux alarmes chez le personnel de santé
Entry term(s): Alarm Fatigue
Alert Fatigue Health Personnel
Health Personnel Alert Fatigue
Tree number(s): C23.888.369.500.250
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Mental fatigue experienced by health care providers who encounter numerous alerts and reminders from the use of CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS. As the numbers of alerts and reminders designed to provide meaningful assistance to the patient care process increases, many health personnel may ignore them.
Allowable Qualifiers: EH ethnology
PC prevention & control
Previous Indexing: Fatigue (2010-2016)
Public MeSH Note: 2017
History Note: 2017
DeCS ID: 56407
Unique ID: D000071064
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2017/01/01
Date of Entry: 2016/06/29
Revision Date: 2016/03/18
Alert Fatigue, Health Personnel - Preferred
Concept UI M000612983
Scope note Mental fatigue experienced by health care providers who encounter numerous alerts and reminders from the use of CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS. As the numbers of alerts and reminders designed to provide meaningful assistance to the patient care process increases, many health personnel may ignore them.
Preferred term Alert Fatigue, Health Personnel
Entry term(s) Alarm Fatigue
Alert Fatigue Health Personnel
Health Personnel Alert Fatigue

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