Descriptor English: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Descriptor Spanish: Test de Clasificación de Tarjetas de Wisconsin
Descriptor test de clasificación de tarjetas de Wisconsin
Entry term(s) M-WCST
Scope note: Prueba neuropsicológica diseñada para evaluar la FUNCIÓN EJECUTIVA habitualmente atribuida al LÓBULO FRONTAL (p. ej., el pensamiento abstracto y la planificación estratégica). Se pide a los sujetos que clasifiquen tarjetas de respuesta numeradas según diferentes criterios y que modifiquen el criterio durante la prueba.
Descriptor Portuguese: Teste de Classificação de Cartas de Wisconsin
Descriptor French: Test de classement de cartes du Wisconsin
Entry term(s): M-WCST
Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Tree number(s): F04.711.513.919
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A neuropsychological test designed to assess EXECUTIVE FUNCTION typically assigned to the FRONTAL LOBE (e.g., abstract thinking, and strategic planning). The subjects are asked to sort numbered response cards according to different principles and to alter their approach during testing.
Allowable Qualifiers: HI history
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
Previous Indexing: Neuropsychological Tests (1984-2017)
Public MeSH Note: 2018
History Note: 2018
DeCS ID: 57244
Unique ID: D000073218
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2018/01/01
Date of Entry: 2017/07/11
Revision Date: 2017/02/24
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test - Preferred
Concept UI M000620939
Scope note A neuropsychological test designed to assess EXECUTIVE FUNCTION typically assigned to the FRONTAL LOBE (e.g., abstract thinking, and strategic planning). The subjects are asked to sort numbered response cards according to different principles and to alter their approach during testing.
Preferred term Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test - Narrower
Concept UI M000620942
Preferred term Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Entry term(s) M-WCST

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