Descriptor English: Toxin-Antitoxin Systems
Descriptor Spanish: Sistemas Toxina-Antitoxina
Descriptor sistemas toxina-antitoxina
Entry term(s) sistema de toxina-antitoxina
sistema toxina-antitoxina
sistemas de toxina-antitoxina
Scope note: Mecanismos que permiten a las bacterias y arqueas adaptarse rápidamente a condiciones ambientales cambiantes mediante una toxina, producida cuando las condiciones son adversas, que inhibe un proceso vital específico, y una antitoxina asociada que bloquea el efecto de la toxina en condiciones de crecimiento normal.
Descriptor Portuguese: Sistemas Toxina-Antitoxina
Descriptor French: Systèmes toxine-antitoxine
Entry term(s): System, Toxin-Antitoxin
Systems, Toxin-Antitoxin
Toxin Antitoxin Systems
Toxin-Antitoxin System
Tree number(s): G06.773
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Mechanisms that allow bacteria and archaea to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions via a toxin, produced during adverse conditions, that inhibits a specific vital process, and a partner antitoxin that blocks the effects of the toxin, under normal growth conditions.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Public MeSH Note: 2018
History Note: 2018
DeCS ID: 57267
Unique ID: D000075704
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2018/01/01
Date of Entry: 2017/07/11
Revision Date: 2017/06/30
Toxin-Antitoxin Systems - Preferred
Concept UI M000631333
Scope note Mechanisms that allow bacteria and archaea to rapidly adapt to changing environmental conditions via a toxin, produced during adverse conditions, that inhibits a specific vital process, and a partner antitoxin that blocks the effects of the toxin, under normal growth conditions.
Preferred term Toxin-Antitoxin Systems
Entry term(s) System, Toxin-Antitoxin
Systems, Toxin-Antitoxin
Toxin Antitoxin Systems
Toxin-Antitoxin System

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