Descriptor English: Semantic Web
Descriptor Spanish: Web Semántica
Descriptor web semántica
Entry term(s) Webs Semánticas
datos enlazados
datos vinculados
linked dData
red semántica
redes semánticas
Scope note: Marco para el desarrollo y la promoción de formatos de datos comunes y protocolos de intercambio de datos conectados de forma que puedan ser leídos directamente por los ordenadores. La web semántica es una plataforma para compartir y reutilizar datos a través de los límites de aplicaciones, empresas y comunidades, al vincular conceptos en lugar de solo documentos.
Descriptor Portuguese: Web Semântica
Descriptor French: Toile sémantique
Entry term(s): Data, Linked
Datas, Linked
Linked Data
Linked Datas
Network, Semantic
Networks, Semantic
Semantic Network
Semantic Networks
Semantic Webs
Web, Semantic
Tree number(s): L01.224.740
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A framework for development and promotion of common data formats and exchange protocols linked in a way that can be read directly by computers. Semantic Web is a platform for sharing and reusing data across application, enterprise, and community boundaries, by linking concepts rather than just documents.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
SD supply & distribution
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
Previous Indexing: Internet (2001-2017)
Semantics (2002-2017)
Public MeSH Note: 2018
History Note: 2018
DeCS ID: 57316
Unique ID: D000075403
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2018/01/01
Date of Entry: 2017/07/12
Revision Date: 2017/07/12
Semantic Web - Preferred
Concept UI M000630329
Scope note A framework for development and promotion of common data formats and exchange protocols linked in a way that can be read directly by computers. Semantic Web is a platform for sharing and reusing data across application, enterprise, and community boundaries, by linking concepts rather than just documents.
Preferred term Semantic Web
Entry term(s) Data, Linked
Datas, Linked
Linked Data
Linked Datas
Network, Semantic
Networks, Semantic
Semantic Network
Semantic Networks
Semantic Webs
Web, Semantic

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