Descriptor English: Migrant-Receiving Society
Descriptor Spanish: Sociedad Receptora de Migrantes
Descriptor sociedad receptora de migrantes
Entry term(s) país de acogida
país de acogida de inmigrantes
país receptor de inmigrantes
países de acogida
países de acogida de inmigrantes
países receptores de inmigrantes
sociedad de acogida
sociedad de acogida de migrantes
sociedad de destino
sociedad receptora
sociedades de acogida de migrantes
sociedades receptoras
sociedades receptoras de migrantes
Scope note: País receptor: País de destino o tercer país que recibe a una persona. En el caso del retorno o repatriación, también se considera país receptor al país de origen. País que, por decisión ejecutiva, ministerial o parlamentaria, ha aceptado recibir anualmente un cupo de refugiados o de migrantes. Lo mismo que país de acogida. Tercer país: País distinto al de origen de una persona. Tercer país seguro: El país receptor considera seguro un tercer país cuando se trata de cualquier otro país, distinto al de origen, en el cual un solicitante de asilo ha encontrado o pudiera haber encontrado protección. La noción de tercer país seguro (protección en cualquier otra parte/principio del primer asilo) es utilizada, por lo general, como criterio de admisibilidad en el procedimiento de la calificación de refugiado. País de destino: País al que se dirigen flujos migratorios (legal o ilegal). (Fuente: Glosario sobre Migración. Organización Internacional para las Migraciones. Derecho Internacional sobre Migración. Disponible en: Sociedad de Acogida: En el ámbito de la UE, residentes (tanto nacionales como no nacionales) de una comunidad (nacional/regional/local) dentro de un Estado miembro. País de acogida: En el ámbito de la UE, el Estado miembro en el que el nacional de un tercer país establece su residencia legal. Lo mismo que país receptor. Tercer país: País o territorio distinto de uno de la Unión Europea, sí como país o territorio cuyos ciudadanos no sean beneficiarios del derecho a la libre circulación en la Unión Europea, como se define en el artículo 2.5 del Código de fronteras Schengen. Lo mismo que país tercero. Tercer país seguro: Cualquer otro país, que no sea el país de origen, en el que un solicitante de asilo ha encontrado o podría haber encontrado protección. Nota: La noción de tercer país seguro se usa a menudo como criterio de admisibilidad al proceso de determinación del estatuto de refugiado. (Fuente: Glosario 2.0 sobre Migración y Asilo. Un instrumento para una mayor comparabilidad. Comisión Europea. Red Europea de Migraciones. 2012. Disponible en:
Descriptor Portuguese: Sociedade Receptora de Migrantes
Descriptor French: Société d'Accueil des Migrants
Entry term(s): Host Countries
Host Country
Host Societies
Host Society
Immigrant-Host Countries
Immigrant-Host Country
Immigrant-Receiving Countries
Immigrant-Receiving Country
Migrant-Host Societies
Migrant-Host Society
Migrant-Receiving Societies
Tree number(s): SP3.522.644
Scope note: Receiving country: Country of destination or a third country. In the case of return or repatriation, also the country of origin. Country that has accepted to receive a certain number of refugees and migrants on a yearly basis by presidential, ministerial or parliamentary decision. Same as host country. Country of destination: The country that is a destination for migratory flows (legal or illegal). Third country: A country other than the country of origin of a person. Save third country: A safe third country is considered by a receiving country to be any other country, not being the country of origin, in which an asylum seeker has found or might have found protection. The notion of safe third country (protection elsewhere/first asylum principle) is often used as a criterion of admissibility to the refugee determination procedure. (From: Glossary on Migration. International Organization for Migration. Available in: Host Society: In the EU context, residents (both nationals and non-nationals) of a (national/regional/local) community within a Member State. Host country: In the EU context, the Member State in which a third country national takes up legal residence. The same as Receiving Country. Third country: A country or territory other than one within the European Union, as well as a country or territory whose citizens do not enjoy the European Union right to freedom of movement, as defined in Article 2(5) of the Schengen Borders Code. Safe Third Country: Any other country, not being the country of origin, in which an asylum seeker has found or might have found protection. Note: The notion of safe third country (protection elsewhere/first asylum principle) is often used as a criterion of admissibility to the refugee determination procedure. (From: Asylum and Migration Glossary 2.0. A tool for better comparability produced by the European Migration Network. European Commission. 2012. Available in:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2018
DeCS ID: 57413
Unique ID: DDCS057413
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Migrant-Receiving Society - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062108
Scope note Receiving country: Country of destination or a third country. In the case of return or repatriation, also the country of origin. Country that has accepted to receive a certain number of refugees and migrants on a yearly basis by presidential, ministerial or parliamentary decision. Same as host country. Country of destination: The country that is a destination for migratory flows (legal or illegal). Third country: A country other than the country of origin of a person. Save third country: A safe third country is considered by a receiving country to be any other country, not being the country of origin, in which an asylum seeker has found or might have found protection. The notion of safe third country (protection elsewhere/first asylum principle) is often used as a criterion of admissibility to the refugee determination procedure. (From: Glossary on Migration. International Organization for Migration. Available in: Host Society: In the EU context, residents (both nationals and non-nationals) of a (national/regional/local) community within a Member State. Host country: In the EU context, the Member State in which a third country national takes up legal residence. The same as Receiving Country. Third country: A country or territory other than one within the European Union, as well as a country or territory whose citizens do not enjoy the European Union right to freedom of movement, as defined in Article 2(5) of the Schengen Borders Code. Safe Third Country: Any other country, not being the country of origin, in which an asylum seeker has found or might have found protection. Note: The notion of safe third country (protection elsewhere/first asylum principle) is often used as a criterion of admissibility to the refugee determination procedure. (From: Asylum and Migration Glossary 2.0. A tool for better comparability produced by the European Migration Network. European Commission. 2012. Available in:
Preferred term Migrant-Receiving Society
Entry term(s) Host Countries
Host Country
Host Societies
Host Society
Immigrant-Host Countries
Immigrant-Host Country
Immigrant-Receiving Countries
Immigrant-Receiving Country
Migrant-Host Societies
Migrant-Host Society
Migrant-Receiving Societies

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